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5 Ways Your FSA Can Get You Through the Tampon Shortage

With tampons becoming the latest casualty in the great supply chain shortage, you may have hard time finding crucial products you need. Retailers like CVS announced that they are limiting the amount of tampons you purchase.

Now is a great time to consider some of the many tampon alternatives that are in the market such as cups, discs, panties, and more. Many of these tampon alternative products are also eligible with your FSA or HSA card, allowing you to try out new products without hurting your wallet. I will go over which tampon alternatives are FSA and HSA eligible in 2022, as well as show you how to find these on Amazon. 

So let’s dive in! 

Are tampons, pads, and liners eligible with your FSA or HSA card in 2022? 

Yes, these feminine care items from popular brands like U by Kotex, Playtex, Rael, Cora, Always, are eligible with your flexible spending account (FSA) and health savings account (HSA) in 2022. They were made eligible through the 2020 CARES act, which also allowed for OTCs and select PPE to be eligible with your FSA and HSA card. This also means OTCs like Midol are also eligible!

FSA and HSA eligible tampon alternatives

Period Underwear and Panties

Period underwear is basically regular underwear, but contains additional moisture wicking and blood absorbing fabric. Some customers like wearing period underwear as an additional layer of protection.

Popular brands like Thinx and Cora offer multiple different styles, so be sure to shop around and pick out the best underwear that work for you. 

It is important to change out period underwear more frequently as it’s not something that should be worn for days on end. Most underwear can be machine washed, and should be air-dried. 

Thinx and Cora are FSA and HSA eligible, but always double check with your benefits administrator to see if they’ll accept the purchase!


Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups are typically shaped like little bells or bowls and help create a seal for leak-proof security. The cup is inserted low into the vaginal canal, and frequent users suggest that it will take some practice inserting and getting used to. For more tips on inserting the cup, check out heathline’s FAQ.

Eco-concious users will note that most menstrual cups are re-usable, if you’re looking for something more disposable, I’d recommend menstrual discs that are also FSA and HSA eligible. 


Menstrual Discs

Menstrual discs typically have a slimmer profile than it’s FSA eligible cousin, the menstrual cup. The discs usually are used within a day, up to 12-hours, and can be discarded after use (unless it’s re-usable). For more tips on inserting the disc, check out heathline’s FAQ.

Menstrual discs and their accessories are also FSA and HSA eligible. You can use your FSA card to buy the Cora perfect fit menstrual disc, and also the Cora pH balanced disc and cup cleanser.


Pads and liners

Pads, sometimes called sanitary pads, are narrow pieces of material made up of rayon and polyester that can stick to your underwear that come in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels. Pads, and liners were both made FSA and HSA eligible alongside tampons through the 2020 CARES ACT.

Most you find are disposable, but you can find reusable pads and liners out there in the market. These ones you’d be able to throw in the washing machine. 

FSA and HSA Feminine Care Tips

Buy Tampons in Bulk

According to the Huffington Post, the average woman has 456 periods in her life, and will spend close to $2000 on tampons in their lifetime! Now that tampons are FSA and HSA eligible, using your FSA or HSA card to buy tampons in bulk will lock in additional savings for you. Look for retailers like, Costco, Target, and more that would carry large bulk packs, that also accept fsa cards.

But how does using your FSA card save you money? Well, the huffington post mentioned that it will cost over $1,773.33 to buy tampons over the course of your life. If you take a look at the screenshot of the FSA calculator below, you can see how using your FSA card can help you save on your Feminine hygiene expenses. If within a calendar year you used your FSA card to purchase $1,773.33 worth of tampons, pads, midol, pain relief patches, menstrual cups or discs, you can save $563. 

How you can save money using your FSA card for tampons
$1,358 worth of expenses, $441 worth of savings!​

Use your FSA or HSA card to buy pain and cramp relief products

According to the Huffington Post, the average woman has 456 periods in her life, and will spend over to $1,000 on Midol in their lifetime! Between looking for the pain reliever you need, like Midol or Aleve, or looking for the best FSA and HSA eligible heating pads, dealing with the pain from cramps and headaches can be overwhelming. Especially when you’re tool-kitting to find what works for you, your expenses can increase dramatically. 


Remember to consult with your benefits administrator regarding any of the FSA eligible products you’re interested in. Also, consult with your doctor regarding the right products to chose to help manage your feminine care. 

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